There are many ways the body chooses to speak to us. Pain is only one way. If you don’t have any physical pain then I’m happy for you! But think about how your body is sending you signals. Maybe you have menstrual symptoms that need your attention or maybe you experience physical sensations you just can’t make sense of. Whatever it is you will always benefit from deepening the relationship you have with your body by spending dedicated time connecting with it. This process will literally elevate your entire way of being!
You may have noticed a few curse words or risqué jokes on this page. If that offends you then you are better joining another program. I’m most effective teaching others the valuable information I have when I don’t have to be so concerned with filtering myself. Hopefully, the freedom of my self-expression helps the members of our group to feel less resistance around embracing and expressing their own truths.
Need answer – currently has placeholder text
Fusce enim risus, tempor ac aliquam et, tincidunt eget erat. Maecenas nec ex sit amet urna consectetur finibus. Vivamus quis mi eget libero pretium pretium ac in orci. Donec tellus tellus, dignissim vitae ligula sed, mollis feugiat eros. Nam vestibulum ex vel dolor pellentesque sollicitudin. Nulla pretium et nisl non molestie. Integer feugiat, leo vel gravida iaculis, velit est porttitor velit, eget ultrices sem odio at purus. Curabitur cursus fermentum ultrices. Quisque mollis, mauris et ullamcorper consectetur, velit lectus elementum dolor, aliquam interdum turpis turpis quis leo. Nunc sed fringilla sem, at bibendum felis. Curabitur neque diam, egestas at tortor sed, malesuada dignissim sem. Cras consectetur dolor vel augue finibus fermentum. Quisque mollis scelerisque semper. Etiam tempor nisl ex, convallis cursus augue iaculis quis. Donec ultricies dolor eu iaculis rhoncus.
Need answer – currently has placeholder text
Fusce enim risus, tempor ac aliquam et, tincidunt eget erat. Maecenas nec ex sit amet urna consectetur finibus. Vivamus quis mi eget libero pretium pretium ac in orci. Donec tellus tellus, dignissim vitae ligula sed, mollis feugiat eros. Nam vestibulum ex vel dolor pellentesque sollicitudin. Nulla pretium et nisl non molestie. Integer feugiat, leo vel gravida iaculis, velit est porttitor velit, eget ultrices sem odio at purus. Curabitur cursus fermentum ultrices. Quisque mollis, mauris et ullamcorper consectetur, velit lectus elementum dolor, aliquam interdum turpis turpis quis leo. Nunc sed fringilla sem, at bibendum felis. Curabitur neque diam, egestas at tortor sed, malesuada dignissim sem. Cras consectetur dolor vel augue finibus fermentum. Quisque mollis scelerisque semper. Etiam tempor nisl ex, convallis cursus augue iaculis quis. Donec ultricies dolor eu iaculis rhoncus.
There is benefit in joining a group of women navigating many of the same issues you are. You will grow whenever you share honestly in this small group. But you will also be comforted every time you hear, “That’s just like me!” Each of us embodies similar past experiences and future desires. Trust me when I tell you that sharing this journey with others can remove the obstacles of self-judgement while receiving the supportive compassion of others.