Fused! Photoshoot

We had a fun time acting goofy and showing off at our Fused! shoot for fliers.  Just wanted to share a behind the scenes look at the pictures.  Be kind, some of us (Melissa) are not as photogenic as others (everyone else)!

Adyana looking fab and ready to show us how to tone up!







See how she takes plank to a whole other level?  You try that.




Kim does an arm balance and actually pulls it off looking cute…HOW???

Take her class and find out.


Julian is professional boxer who has worked with Madonna.

Ok…now we know where she got those arms.




Lucky for us he’s a nice guy.







I won’t be teaching this time, which makes me sad.  I’ll be in Chicago for my best friend’s wedding, which makes me happy.  But Kim and I still got to play around.

This how us besties hang out.







We didn’t get to execute this fully…we were laughing too hard before Kim had to try and mitigate my fall.  Good times!





Sweet group photo.  Like a happy family!

Kim and Adyana do teamwork.

No seriously, Julian works out.  Kim’s got some pretty good balance skills too.






We believe you







Adyana also brings the balance skills.  I would be taking her class and work on creating a core steel.



As you can see Fused! is going to be a super fun and exciting event with awesome teachers!  Only some of us were able to make it to the shoot, so don’t forget about Kristin McGee and Tweetie along with our speaker on barefoot running and super-energetic zumba dance teacher.  As I wear a pretty blue dress in Chicago and part of me will be at Fused! in spirit!