The city of Boston has suffered unnecessary tragedy and ensuing violence. Grief is the primary emotion that has been felt this last week, not just in Boston, but by everyone witnessing as well. But now is the time to find strength and help our Bostonian brothers and sisters to reclaim their streets and sense of freedom. There have already been runners pounding the pavement in solidarity around the country and world.

The runs for Boston will continue on Monday, April 22nd. For a list of those runs go to this Facebook Page made by the Independent Running Retailers Association. If you can’t make it for a run show support by contributing to one of these causes listed by the Huffington Post. Efforts like these have already raised, “more than $7 million in 24 hours” for the One Fund Boston.

For more specific information on joining runs in New York City go to the Facebook page (this one is for Central Park) made by the retailer JackRabbit Sports. After such inhumane actions it’s important to come together and reestablish our connections to one another as loving and peaceful beings. So, run far and run free!