We pride ourselves on being able to refer our clients to some of the best in the body maintenance industry and today we want you to know about Dr. Emily Splichal. Check out the bio:
Dr Emily Splichal, Podiatrist and Human Movement Specialist, is the Founder of the Evidence Based Fitness Academy. With over 10 years in the fitness industry, Dr Splichal has dedicated her medical career towards studying postural alignment and human movement as it relates to foot posture and foot strength.
She’s even made an appearance on Oprah teaching us how to walk in heels without falling over and making fool’s of ourselves (not to mention walking with less risk of foot injury). For that alone we thank her. But if that weren’t enough Emily’s blog is full of useful body and movement information …You know we LOVE that!
One of our favorite blog posts is a response to the NYT Article, Does Foot Form Explain Running Injuries. What grabs us in particular is Dr. Emily’s way of informing an audience that there isn’t a patent answer that applies to all bodies (hmmm, sounds familiar):
In biomechanics and in medicine, it is difficult to classify every athlete or patient into the same category. Due to different foot types, some runners will respond well to barefoot running while others have more difficulty and find barefoot running awkward and unnatural.
So I cannot fully say that all runners should throw away their traditional running shoes and opt to go barefoot or minimalist. Instead I prefer to address these injury rates by encouraging effective recovery and preventive techniques integrated with barefoot training to increase intrinsic muscle strength eccentric eccentric endurance of the foot stabilizers.
When we find like-minded practitioners who are experts in their fields it gives us a little thrill. Please check out the rest of her article at the EBFA blog. Guaranteed you will find even more to read about and use to keep your feet their healthiest everyday.