No judgement. We’ve all over-indulged on a long weekend. But no worries, the Daily Zeel is giving you tips on how to get back on the workout wagon. If you don’t know what the Daily Zeel is you need to start reading it NOW! connects you to some of the best fitness and health professionals in your area (ahem, like us). Well, to help their loyal readers recover from the long weekend of over eating and under moving they have a put together a plan. They’ve turned to several health and fitness gurus for advice and one of them happens to be Melissa of (your very own) SMARTer Bodies™. Here’s what Mel had to say:
Take it slow. “It can be a lot easier to start up again after a weekend of indulging with some gentle movement, like a yoga practice that is meant to help you reconnect with the body,” says SmarterBodies co-founder and movement educator Melissa Gutierrez. “Some people really prefer rigorous movement to get back into things. I don’t care if it’s just a walk; don’t over think it. Just go!”
Envision a time frame. For Melissa—and others too—it can be especially tough to commit to a full hour of working out after several sedentary days. Break the spell by mentally framing the workout, committing to, say, 20 minutes of quality movement. “Usually in the middle, I’m inspired to do more and end up doing 45 minutes or even an hour,” she adds.
Read the rest, so you can be ready for next time. Then keep reading the DZ blog!