A privilege that comes with teaching is getting to know students and their incredible life stories. One such individual is Dev … She is 89 year-old survivor of cancer, a retired occupational therapist and all-around badass. While getting to know Dev, she explained that confronting cancer gave her the nerve to follow an interest in acting. She found it to be a profoundly liberating experience and performance helped Dev to find a strong voice in the form of poetic, on-stage expression. We wanted to share with you a fruit of her labor.
This Youtube Video is of Dev performing her, “Geriatric Rap.” Apologies for the faint sound. Turn up the volume on your speaker. This spoken word performance is worth the watch! The Geriatric Rap describes Dev’s experience as a Jewish woman growing up in a NYC landscape before it was deeply carved by the liberal politics that characterize the City in this present day. Her bravery and joy in performing are a pleasure to watch. Her message and story are important for us to witness. She inspires us to find the gumption to confront life with the same level of guts she has and continues to with much success.