I found myself on the busy and noisy streets of New York, which usually I love, but not today. Usually, I’m pretty good at just letting the noise and intensity wash over me. Today, though, was more of a challenge. In the midst of the external cacophony and my internal mounting chaos I walked by a bookstore. Didn’t have to think twice before I just ducked right in.
The smell, the quiet, and the piles of books allowed me to let go and instantly calmed my overstimulated nerves. I must have spent 40 minutes inside. Without buying a thing I walked out feeling renewed. Books have always been an important part of my daily life. I know there are many others that feel the same. They provide an escape and allow for the senses (touch, sight and smell) to be completely absorbed in the moment. Reading really does have a transformative affect. (Like Yoga anyone?)
My suggestion: Next time your feeling stressed, if you can, walk into a bookstore. Take your time looking and being fascinated by every new story and subject that surrounds you. The most important part: DON’T BUY ANYTHING! Let this be an experience that allows you to disengage with the outside world. If the focus then becomes about acquiring something new that can interrupt your ability to connect with your internal self. Try it!
If you happen to by in NYC check out:
Strand Book Store. The Most famous used bookstore in NYC.
McNally Jackson Books. This Soho bookstore always has amazing displays and author signings.
Mercer Street Books. Located on Mercer St. next to the Angelika Film Center, one can spend hours looking through the shelves for hidden and very cheap treasures.
Please share some of your favorite spots, wherever they are.